How To Remove A Page From Google

How To Remove A Page From Google

Understanding how to take content down can be as important as putting it up; it is part and parcel of the process. Removing a page from Google doesn’t have to be complicated. Whether it is to protect a new website, or clear up misinformation, there are a few reasons...
How To Plan A Website

How To Plan A Website

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Planning is essential to the success of businesses and organisations. It’s no different when it comes to planning a website. Unfortunately, making the proper accommodations when planning a website is often overlooked. Due to the busy...
Effective Link Building Tactics for eCommerce Brands

Effective Link Building Tactics for eCommerce Brands

Link building is an important part of creating a successful ecommerce website. Links are the backbone of SEO; up to 50% of SEO success is attributed to link building (1). Frequently, ecommerce websites struggle with link building as they feel it is something that they...
The Content Marketing Matrix

The Content Marketing Matrix

Every successful marketing team knows the value and influence of quality content. Most successful marketing campaigns have dexterous content at their core, although crafting a well-planned content strategy can be more difficult than it looks. Understanding why certain...
Content Writing 101

Content Writing 101

A bank page is daunting at the best of times. When it comes to writing content, trying to understand how to effectively consolidate notes in a clear, inviting, and authoritative way can take some getting used to. Having original and interesting content is a great way...