Google Ads Management by Digital Trawler

For a number of our clients Google Ads Management is a pulse within their business. Our campaigns have generated thousands of sales for businesses and as Google Partners we’d like to help you. Our Google Ads Management plans are to create a consistent stream of sales that are predictable, sustainable and profitable for your organisation

“I’ll probably be okay without Google Ads Management”

Chances are if you’re reading this page you either have an intern who’s managing a Google Ads account for their first time or worse, you as the manager are looking after it and let’s face it you don’t have the time to run it properly. In both scenarios you’re running the risk of over spending, wasting budget, not attributing conversions to keywords and ultimately loosing out on cost savings or worse still, conversions

What’s the Cost of Google Ads Management?

Google Ads Management can start from as little as €600 but depends on the size of the account and attention to detail required. By getting someone in with the experience of running multiple Google Ads accounts in the past you should see your investment return multiple times over during the course of an engagement.

Google Ads Management Guarantee

While we can’t guarantee the number of conversions we can guarantee that you will see conversions whether that’s enquiries, onsite revenue, phone calls or contact form submissions